Jonathan Mann and Ivory King put a quirky spin on their breakup by telling friends in a song. After 5 years, the talented pair split after disagreeing on whether to have kids。乔纳森·曼恩和艾弗莉·金通过合唱一首分手歌来告知朋友他们分手的消息。这对才华横溢的情侣交往5年,却在生孩子的问题上产生了分歧,最终只能分道扬镳。
When a musically-inclined Brooklyn couple decided to call it quits, they created a breakup video to share the news with friends。这对来自纽约布鲁克林区的情侣音乐细胞很丰富,他们决定用音乐的方式来分手。他们制作了一个分手视频,跟他们的朋友分享这个消息。
Posted online late Wednesday, it’s a soon-to-be-viral YouTube hit. But for 30-year-old Jonathan Mann, it was simply a bittersweet ending to a five-year relationship。视频周三被传上网络,预计很快就会成为YouTube上的热门视频。不过对于30岁的乔纳森来说,以这样的方式结束五年的感情,只是辛酸的浪漫。
“I want kids and she doesn’t,” Mann told the Daily News. The lyrics of “We’ve Got To Break Up” reflect the couple’s baby-centric downfall and reassure friends they won’t have to pick sides。乔纳森对《每日新闻报》这样解释他们分手的原因:“我想要孩子她不愿意。” 这首歌曲名叫《我们必须要分手》,歌词中也反映了这对情侣以孩子为焦点的矛盾所在。歌曲也是为了告诉朋友们:你们不用选择要站在哪一边。
Mann says he and his ex-girlfriend, 31-year-old Ivory King, thought the music video would be the easiest way to break the news。乔纳森说,他和31岁的前女友艾弗莉都觉得音乐视频是对亲朋好友宣布他们的分手消息最容易的方式。
“I didn’t want to make a post on Facebook and have that be it,” he said. “And I didn’t want to have to explain it over and over to people, because that can be really painful. 他说:“我不想在脸谱上发消息说我们分手了,我也不想一遍遍地向别人重复解释我们分手的原因,这样实在是太痛苦了。”
“And I hoped it would feel cathartic to make this together, as sort of our final act,” he added。他又说道:“我希望这样完成一首歌可以让我们宣泄一些伤感的情绪,算是我们最后的告别。”
It didn’t quite work that way. “When it comes down to it, there’s no way to feel anything but sad in a situation like ours,” Mann said。不过这首分手歌并不轻松。“归根结底,我们这么久的感情分手,不可能不难过,真的很难过。” 乔纳森说。
Heartbreak aside, he’s been pleased by his friends’ reactions. “We’ve been together for so long that we have so many mutual friends, and it was a big thing to sort of split that up,” Mann said. “But people are being super supportive。”虽然分手让人心碎,但乔纳森还是对朋友的反应感到开心。他说:“我们在一起5年,有着非常多共同的朋友。所以在朋友圈子里我们的分手也算是蛮大的事情。不过朋友们都非常支持我们的决定。”